Ask an Analyst

Credit reporting, risk monitoring, and clear customer insights so you can make an effective credit decision.

What to Expect

What sets ProfitGuard apart from other credit reporting services is that we specialize in the industrial sector and our clients receive on-demand personal attention when they need it most. Each of our analysts have strong financial backgrounds spanning many years in commercial credit. We encourage you to lean on them to get answers to tough risk situations or just get a second opinion.

When you speak with one of our experienced analysts, you receive:

  • Deep account-level intelligence
  • Recommendations
  • Insight into more complex risk situations

Select the “Ask an Expert” feature on our platform and provide a phone number, the best time to contact you, and any comments you would like the analyst to know before calling. A ProfitGuard analyst will contact you within 24 hours.

Have a question about a customer credit profile?

Ask a ProfitGuard Analyst.

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